Rocco Lombardi

Rocco Lombardi was born in Formia in 1973. He has a background in technical studies, then he’s writer and a cartoonist and his production of illustrated books gravitates around natural landscapes and kingdoms of the natural world, done with engraving techniques and artigianal printing, and which appeared in a big number of essays in Italy and around the globe, and also on vinyls’s covers and posters for the indipendent underground movement.

His works are: Annetta(NPE, 2009),some editions called Campana made by a pair of hands, by him and Simone Lucciola (Giuda editions, 2012) and ‘’L’argine’’,in english ‘’ The Embankment’’, with Marina Girardi (Becco Giallo, 2016), Alberico (Giuda edizioni, 2009), FieraNera (Blu Gallery,2014) and the last book made with the written part of Matteo Meschiari ‘’C’era la taiga, c’era un incendio (Logos, 2022). He lives and works in the Appennino bolognese, where he increases is gaze on nature and where lands, waters and skies are able to break through the soul.

With Memorie Urbane realise bus stop for the project 'Art at the Bus Stop' on 2013 in Terracina and Gaeta, and partecipate on 2023 at th ecollective show 'My Song'


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